Get Out of the Windowless Doorless Room

navigating shadow rites of passage Jul 03, 2024
Get Out of the Windowless Doorless Room

 I mentioned Shadow Power frequently in my last newsletter and how my power skills served me to not feel trapped by it, so I wanted to unpack Shadow Power a bit more.


I’ve been communicating with a lot of you who are feeling trapped right now.

Can you relate to any of the following?

  • “I am working on things I don't feel like I align with and I'm struggling more and more with this feeling that I'm wandering in the desert.”
  • “I have been increasingly dissatisfied with what I am doing now within the realm of DEI and organizational change but unsure of what I would want to do next. I have a faint idea but not clear how to reach it.”
  • “I’m currently in a holding stress pattern of burnout and stress and desire for change and not sure what the next step is.”
  • “I always find myself in spaces where I’m successful but always stressed out and there’s something more for me out there.”
  • “I definitely feel fear and intimidation. My job is familiar and it meets my needs financially. It's getting harder and harder to stay though…”


Welcome to the windowless doorless room.

The space where you feel completely hemmed in by your Shadow Power voices that have convinced you there’s no other way. You feel the rock and the hard place are the only options.

Your perspective narrows, your breathing gets shallow, and you clench.

Hunkering down, hoping it will pass.


It’s not passing, is it?

This past month I’ve seen a widespread pattern of people facing some version of this trap, some version of their greatest fears.

Part of this can feel like a curse.

But here’s a different perspective.


Rather than it signaling total calamity,
what if it’s presenting so we can look straight at it?

So we can connect to our greater power and find a new way?

One that presents through our sensing not our mind.

What if we’re being invited to practice shifting our inner posture — to perceive, create, and move from our greater power?

THIS is where our greatest leverage comes from.


And I’m not saying all of this from a cushy place of total comfort. 😂

I’m saying this after just having royally gotten my ass kicked and having been pushed past my breaking point nonstop for a month.

And repeatedly choosing to not stay in my old traps.


So if you’re feeling a sense of being trapped at all — I’m sorry it’s so hard, and don’t despair.


You can draw a door in the wall of the
windowless doorless room and...


There’s more to it, but I want you to know this is possible
and hope this message bolsters you.

Wishing you wellbeing and love,


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